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Sep 4, 2023


Sep 16, 2024



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Document checklist:

2.Proof of Residence 


Local legal address (Handled by B2B Hub) 








Registrar General Department

+265 1 824 355



Official languages



ISO 4217



English, Chichewa



Malawian Kwacha

Directory of companies


  • Certificate of incorporation 

  • Articles of association

  • Meeting minutes 

  • Company stamp

Certificate of incorporation

Company stamp (By

Registration documents and guidance 

FAQ for company formation in Malawi

Q: What is the process for company formation in Malawi?

A: The process for company formation in Malawi involves several steps, including obtaining necessary licenses and permits, registering the company with the Registrar of Companies, obtaining a tax identification number, and registering for social security contributions.

Q: What are the requirements for company formation in Malawi?

A: The requirements for company formation in Malawi include a minimum of two shareholders and two directors, a registered office address in Malawi, and a minimum share capital of MWK 1,000,000 for a private limited liability company.

Q: What types of companies can be formed in Malawi?

A: Companies that can be formed in Malawi include private limited liability companies, public limited liability companies, partnerships, and sole proprietorships.

Q: How long does it take to form a company in Malawi?

A: The time it takes to form a company in Malawi varies and can take up to several weeks to several months, depending on the complexity of the registration process.

Q: What are the tax implications for companies in Malawi?

A: Companies in Malawi are subject to a corporate income tax rate of 30%. Additionally, there are other taxes and fees that may apply, such as value-added tax (VAT) and withholding tax.

Q: What is the legal system in Malawi?

A: The legal system in Malawi is based on English common law and customary law.

Q: What is the currency used in Malawi?

A: The currency used in Malawi is the Malawian kwacha (MWK).

Q: Can foreign nationals own a company in Malawi?

A: Yes, foreign nationals can own a company in Malawi. However, there are restrictions on foreign ownership in certain industries, such as banking and telecommunications.

Q: Are there any specific regulations for foreign-owned companies in Malawi?

A: Foreign-owned companies in Malawi are subject to the same regulations as domestically-owned companies. However, there may be specific regulations related to foreign investment in certain industries.

Q: What are the benefits of forming a company in Malawi?

A: Some of the benefits of forming a company in Malawi include a strategic location in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region, access to a growing domestic market, and a liberalized economic environment. Additionally, Malawi has a skilled and relatively low-cost labor force, making it an attractive location for businesses.

Malawi is a small landlocked country in southeastern Africa with a population of approximately 18.09 million people. The economy of Malawi is largely based on agriculture, which accounts for about one-third of the country’s GDP and employs about 80% of the population. The country’s main exports are tobacco, tea, sugar, and coffee. Malawi’s GDP in 2019 was estimated at $7.9 billion, with a growth rate of 3.7%. The inflation rate was 8.2%, and the unemployment rate was estimated at 8.2%. The country’s public debt was estimated at 56.2% of GDP in 2019. Malawi’s main trading partners are South Africa, India, and the United Kingdom. The country has received significant foreign aid from the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and other international organizations. Malawi has made progress in reducing poverty and improving access to basic services, but the country still faces significant challenges in terms of economic development.

Taxation in Malawi consists of both corporate and personal taxes. Here is an overview of the taxation system in Malawi:

Corporate Taxation:

- Companies in Malawi are subject to a corporate income tax rate of 30% on their profits.

- Corporate tax returns must be filed annually by 30th September of the year following the tax year.

- The payment of corporate income tax is due by the same deadline as the tax return filing.

- Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with an annual turnover of less than MWK 100 million (approximately USD 130,000) are eligible for a reduced tax rate of 20%.

Personal Taxation:

- Individuals in Malawi are subject to a progressive personal income tax rate that ranges from 0% to 35%, depending on their income level.

- Personal income tax returns must be filed annually by 30th June of the year following the tax year.

- Personal income tax payments must be made in two installments: the first installment by 30th June and the second installment by 31st December of the year following the tax year.

Value Added Tax (VAT):

- Malawi imposes a value-added tax (VAT) on most goods and services, except for a few exempt items.

- The VAT rate in Malawi is currently 16.5%.

- VAT returns must be filed and VAT payments must be made monthly by the 25th of the month following the tax period.

Tax Payment Process:

- Taxpayers in Malawi can make tax payments through banks or online payment systems.

- Taxpayers must file their tax returns and make their tax payments by the deadlines mentioned above.

- The Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA) may conduct audits to ensure compliance with tax laws.

In summary, companies in Malawi are subject to a corporate income tax rate of 30%, while individuals are subject to a progressive personal income tax rate that ranges from 0% to 35%, depending on their income level. Both companies and individuals are required to file their tax returns and make their tax payments by specific deadlines. Malawi also imposes a value-added tax (VAT) on most goods and services. Tax payments can be made through various methods, and taxpayers may be subject to audits to ensure compliance with tax laws.

Application without registration

The first director

Upload passport

The second director

Upload passport

The third director

Upload passport

The first shareholder 

Upload passport

The second shareholder 

Upload passport

The third shareholder 

Upload passport




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